Wednesday, May 17, 2006

rILLAH Crayfis Farm

Tentang rILLAH Crayfish Farm.

Berawal dari Hobby memelihara ikan hias, ketertarikan lebih jauh timbul ketika mengetahui bahwa lobster air tawar di Indonesia masih belum mencukupi kebutuhan pasar lokal di Indonesia yang masih sangat besar,rILLAH merintis farm didaerah pamulang II, Pondok Benda, Kampung Parakan, Tangerang pada awal tahun 2006.

Usaha budi daya Lobster Air Tawar yang dimulai pada awal 2006 lalu, saat ini sudah menghasilkan banyak bibit Lobster Air Tawar berkualitas setiap bulannya. Mengapa kami menyebut berkualitas? Karena anakan dihasilkan dari suatu proses Selective Breeding yaitu proses seleksi indukan yang sangat ketat yaitu hanya indukan yang berkualitas yang dipijahkan, sehingga anakan yang dihasilkan juga diharapkan memiliki pra-potensi tumbuh sebaik induknya.

Lobster Air Tawar yang dihasilkan oleh rILLAH Crayfish Farm dikelompokkan kedalam 3 jenis:

* Lobster untuk keperluan Konsumsi (5"inchi- up)
* Lobster Anakan (1"inchi-3"inchi)
* Lobster Indukan (3"inchi-6"inchi)

Dengan semangat dan keinginan untuk berbagi, rILLAH Crayfish Farm merupakan open farm dimana pengunjung diperbolehkan untuk hanya melihat-lihat atau sekedar memperoleh informasi seputar budidaya Lobster Air Tawar tanpa harus dikenakan biaya atau kewajiban untuk membeli.

Founder rILLAH Crayfish Farm.

Keterangan :

1. Akhmad Anton Fananie,Se.
2. Akhmad Emir Farabie,Ssn,MM.
3. H.W Adhi Kusumo,Se.
4. Rojali Madja.

Location :

Farm :
Jl. Arjuna
kampung Parakan
Pondok Benda
Pamulang II, Tangerang

Pakan Lobster Air Tawar

Sayuran : Toge, Wortel, bayam, Kangkung, dll.
Umbi : Ubi, ketela, singkong, dll
Daging : Keong Mas, Bekicot, Ikan Mati, Cacing tanah, Cacing Darah (Blood Worm). Cacing Sutra, Usus Ayam dll

Kami menyarankan pakan yg seimbang antara pakan pelet dan pakan alami.Pemberiannya harus sesuai dengan takaran(disesuaikan dgn jumlah Lobster Air Tawar dan Luas kolam)5% maksimal dari berat tubuh lobster/hari dua kali sehari pagi dan sore.Usahakan memberikan pakannya pada jam yang sama, kami tidak menyarankan pemberian pakan Pelet pada benih lobster dikarenakan pelet terlalu banyak zat kalsium yg membuat Lobster Air Tawar menjadi sulit lepas dr kulitnya pada saat Molting, oleh sebab itu dianjurkan menggunakan pakan alami saja.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Harga rILLAH Crayfish Farm. Price list


* Jenis Cherax Quadricarinatus (Redclaw)

A. LOBSTER ANAKAN/BIBIT (kondisi tanpa disortir jantan atau betina)

Catatan :

- Untuk pembelian rutin (kontrak) & jangka panjang diberikan harga yang premium.

- Untuk pembelian dg. jenis kelamin tertentu (betina saja) harga ditambah Rp 1.000,- dari list price.

B. Lobster Calon Indukan/Indukan


Harga Lobster konsumsi RP 250.000,-/Kg (9-12 ekor)

Update : 31 Mei 2006

General Crayfish Information

General Information

Crayfish, also called crawfish or crawdad, are closely related to the lobster. More than half of the more than 500 species occur in North America, particularly Kentucky (Mammoth Cave) and Louisiana in the Mississippi basin. Crayfish also live in Europe, New Zealand, East Asia and throughout the world, including the Tristan da Cunha Islands. Nearly all live in freshwater, although a few survive in salt water. Crayfish are characterised by a joined head and thorax, or midsection, and a segmented body, which is sandy yellow, green, or dark brown in colour. The head has a sharp snout, and the eyes are on movable stalks. Crayfish are usually about 7.5 cm (3 inches) long.

Crayfish Appearance

The crayfish is typical of most shrimplike crustaceans and is characterised by a joined head and thorax, or midsection, and a segmented body, which is sandy yellow, green, white, pink or dark brown in colour.

Crayfish are usually about 7.5 cm (3 inches) long. Among the smallest is the 2.5-centimetre-long Cambarellus diminutus of the south-eastern United States. Among the largest is Astacopsis gouldi of Tasmania; its length may reach 40 cm and its weight about 3.5 kg (8 pounds).

The head has two pairs of sensory antennae and a pair of eyes on movable stalks. The appendages, or pereiopods, of the thorax include four pairs of walking legs which, as well as walking, are to probe cracks and crevices between rocks looking for food. Crayfish also own one pair of clawbearing chelipeds, which it extends in front of its body while moving. These strong pinchers are specialised for cutting, capturing food, attack, and defence. A pinch can hurt! The crayfish also has several pairs of specialised food handling "legs," bailers to cycle water over the gills, and five pairs of swimmerets which are under the abdomen. All of these "legs" can be regenerated if broken off.

Crayfish have a hard outside skeleton. This jointed exoskeleton provides protection and allows movement, but limits growth. As a result, the crayfish regularly gets too big for its skeleton, sheds it, and grows a new larger one. This is called molting. and occurs six to ten times during the first year of rapid growth, but less often during the second year. For a few days following each molt, crayfish have soft exoskeletons and are more vulnerable to predators.
Crayfish Behaviour

Crayfish, common in streams and lakes, often conceal themselves under rocks or logs. They are most active at night, when they feed largely on snails, algae, insect larvae, worms, and tadpoles; some eat vegetation (various water plants). A dead fish worms, corn, and salmon eggs are also favourites of the crayfish. Studies show that adults (one year old) become most active at dusk and continue heavy feeding activity until daybreak. Young crayfish are more likely to be the ones out during bright sunny days, while the older crayfish are more active on cloudy days and during the night. General movement is always a slow walk, but if startled, crayfish use rapid flips of their tail to swim backwards and escape danger.

Most crayfish live short lives, usually less than two years. Therefore, rapid, high-volume reproduction is important for the continuation of the species. Many crayfish become sexually mature and mate in the October or November after they're born, but fertilisation and egg laying usually occur the following spring. The fertilised eggs are attached to the female' swimmerets on the underside of her jointed abdomen. There the 10 to 800 eggs change from dark to translucent as they develop. The egg-carrying female is said to be "in berry," because the egg mass looks something like a berry. Females are often seen "in berry" during May or June. The eggs hatch in 2 to 20 weeks, depending on water temperature. The newly-hatched crayfish stay attached to their mother until shortly after their second molt.

The natural predators of the Crayfish include alligators, burbots (a type of cod), chicken turtle, painted turtle, desman (a type of otter), grackle (a type of a bird).

Crayfish Internal Anatomy

In the open circulatory system blood flows from the heart through the arteries and returns into open sinuses. The digestive system has a stomach for grinding food and a gland for chemical processing. The antennal gland is the main excretory organ.
Scientific Crayfish

Crayfish are part of the order Decapoda constituting the families Astacidae (Northern Hemisphere), Parastacidae, or Austroastracidae (Southern Hemisphere). The most common genera of North America include Procambarus, Orconectes, Faxonella, Cambarus, Cambarellus, and Pacifastacus. Austropotamobius is the most common genus of Europe. The genus Astacus occurs in Europe, the genus Cambaroides in East Asia. The arthopod class also includes centipedes, crustaceans, insects, millipedes, mites, scorpions and spiders.

Crayfish as Fishfood

By Mark A. Nale

The importance of the crayfish in a game fish's diet can be played up or down depending on one's point of view. Down: Studies show that trout eat more aquatic insects than any other item. Up: Biological studies also show that stream-living trout will select the largest prey items that they can swallow. When crayfish are available, they will be eaten!

Regardless of your perspective, crayfish can't be overlooked because of their size and nutritional value. Can you imagine how many ants or mayflies a trout would have to eat to equal the food value gained from one average-sized crayfish? Then factor in how much energy the fish would have to expend to feed on those hundreds of tiny insects. The same principle would hold true for bass.

My sporadic (I usually release my catch) inspection of trout stomach contents frequently turns up crayfish. I found crayfish, usually in several pieces, in trout as small as 7.5 inches. Several times I removed parts of more than one crayfish from a single stomach. Although anglers seemingly in-the-know favor the "just molted" soft-shelled "crabs" for bait, all of the consumed crayfish that I examined were "hard-shells."
The Fishing Connection

What does all of this tell the serious angler? Crayfish are eaten by trout and bass. Fish can't afford to pass up such a large meal. They do make an effective bait. Crayfish to be used for bait are easily collected with a small minnow net. Small rocky streams are a good place to check. Numbers vary from stream to stream, so keep looking until you locate a hotspot. Softshells are good, but normal crayfish probably will do just as well. Collect assorted sizes.

I have had much success on trout with Rebel's Teeny Wee Crawfish, a 1.5-inch long crayfish-like crankbait. Of the dozens of trout that this lure has produced for me, several have been browns of over 16 inches. What really surprised me, however, were some of the smaller trout that I landed trout from 7.5 inches all the way down to tiny browns and rainbows of only 5 inches.

Because species and crayfish colors vary, it's best to fish with a bait or lure that matches the natural. Fish them in shallow, rocky places, for crayfish favor these areas. Rig naturals so they can be retrieved backwards, the way that crayfish always swim. Fishing at dawn, dusk, or during the night would best imitate natural movement.

Harga crayfish yang terus naik

You may be in for a surprise when looking to buy crawfish this season. The price per pound is at an all-time high. The average price for crawfish is five dollars per pound. That is if your favorite restaurant has even opened yet.

"Every year is different. This year is starting off poorly because of the hurricane. Prices are high because supply is small. The size of the crawfish doesn't even matter right now because the supply is so small," says Jody Guidry, Owner of Guidry's Crawfish in Abbeville.

"You'll see all the different generations of the crawfish that are in there so we have crawfish and in this particular pond, they are just a long ways from being big enough to be caught," explains Eric Thomas, Owner of Crawfish Hut in Kaplan.

In November, we were seeing crawfish about this size. But now we are seeing more crawfish that are larger because of the perfect weather conditions.

"The farmer is going to suffer. The consumer is going to get their prices. Right now a wise consumer is waiting and the price is dropping," says Jody Guidry.

"People are craving them. People are wanting more and more. And they are waiting and waiting. So that when it does happen. When crawfish really do start to come in everybody will start to eat them, says Eric Thomas.

Eric Thomas and Jody Guidry tells me although the crop is poor now, things are looking better day by day. In a few months, the size and yield of the crawfish should be much better.

Kari Hall

Jenis Lobster Air Tawar

Beberapa Jenis Lobster Air Tawar yang banyak di Budidaya di Indonesia, diantaranya:
(Untuk saat ini kami belum membudidayakannya di Farm kami




Spesies lobster termasuk:

* Atlantic deep-sea lobster (Acanthacaris caeca)
* Prickly deep-sea lobster (Acanthacaris tenuimana)
* Red lobster (Eunephrops bairdii)
* Sculptured lobster (Eunephrops cadenasi)
* Banded lobster (Eunephrops manningi)
* Cape lobster (Homarinus capensis)
* American lobster (Homarus americanus)
* European lobster (Homarus gammarus)
* Andaman lobster (Metanephrops andamanicus)
* Arafura lobster (Metanephrops arafurensis)
* Armored lobster (Metanephrops armatus)
* Northwest lobster (Metanephrops australensis)
* Caribbean lobsterette (Metanephrops binghami)
* New Zealand lobster (Metanephrops challengeri)
* Formosa lobster (Metanephrops formosanus)
* Japanese lobster (Metanephrops japonicus)
* African lobster (Metanephrops mozambicus)
* Neptune lobster (Metanephrops neptunus)
* Urugavian lobster (Metanephrops rubellus)
* Sculpted lobster (Metanephrops sagamiensis)
* Siboga lobster (Metanephrops sibogae)
* China lobster (Metanephrops sinensis)
* Red-banded lobster (Metanephrops thomsoni)
* Velvet lobster (Metanephrops velutinus)
* Bight lobster (Metanephrops boschmai)
* Mitten lobsterette (Nephropides caribaeus)
* Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)
* Spinetail lobsterette (Nephropsis acanthura)
* Florida lobsterette (Nephropsis aculeata)
* Prickly lobsterette (Nephropsis agassizii)
* Scarlet lobsterette (Nephropsis atlantica)
* Ridge-back lobsterette (Nephropsis carpenteri)
* Gladiator lobsterette (Nephropsis ensirostris)
* Saya de Malha lobsterette (Nephropsis malhaensis)
* Ruby lobsterette (Nephropsis neglecta)
* Pacific lobsterette (Nephropsis occidentalis)
* Rosy (or two-toned) lobsterette (Nephropsis rosea)
* Indian Ocean lobsterette (Nephropsis stewarti)
* Red and white lobsterette (Nephropsis suhmi)
* Grooved lobsterette (Nephropsis sulcata)
* Bellator lobster (Thymopides grobovi)
* Patagonian lobsterette (Thymops birsteini)
* Nilenta lobsterette (Thymopsis nilenta)

Perhatian kepada pemilik Lobster Air Tawar / Crayfish.

Bagi para hobiis Lobster Air Tawar yang telah bosan dengan Lobster Air Tawar-nya, terutama jenis-jenis Lobster Air Tawar impor, jangan sekali-kali membuang Lobster Air Tawar-nya keperairan setempat. Berikan Lobster Air Tawar tersebut ke hobiis lainnya dan berikan pula pengertian agar tidak membuangnya kelak. Atau anda musnahkan Lobster Air Tawar tersebut. Lobster Air Tawar impor bukanlah hewan asli perairan Indonesia, kehadiran mereka akan dapat mengganggu keseimbangan ekosistem setempat dan bahkan memusnahkan hewan akuatik lokal lainnya.

Syarat Hidup Lobster Air Tawar ( LAT )

Lobster air tawar (LAT) pada umumnya dapat hidup pada selang parameter air yang lebar. Mereka diketahui toleran terhadap kandungan oksigen terlarut sangat rendah. Akan tetapi untuk tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik tentu tidak akan dapat dilakukan pada kondisi demikian. Untuk tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik mereka memerlukan kadar oksigen terlarut lebih dari 4 ppm.

Untuk kehidupannya, LAT tidak perlu harus terendam air. Selama insangnya dapat tetap terjaga selalu lembab; mereka dapat menyerap oksigen langsung dari udara dan dapat hidup dalam keadaan demikian hingga beberapa bulan. Udara yang lembab biasanya sudah cukup untuk mempertahankan insang mereka tetap lembab. Meskipun demikian untuk berpijah mereka memerlukan dan harus ada didalam air.

LAT telah bervolusi untuk dapat hidup dalam cuaca kering. Apabila lahan tempat tinggal mereka kering, LAT akan menggali lubang selaras dengan penurunan permukaan air tanah yang terjadi , kemudian menutup lubanyang dengan tumpukan tanah bekas galiannya. Selanjutnya mereka akan tampak berada dalam keadaan dorman. Keadaan ini disebut sebagai aestivation. Mereka bisa dalam keadaan demikian dalam jangka waktu sangat lama, hingga air kembali datang ke daerah mereka.

LAT biasa hidup di air keruh, hal ini sangat menguntungkan bagi mereka agar dapat terhindar dari musuh alaminya. Biasanya mereka hidup pada perairan dengan dasar berlumpur dengan beberapa bebatuan dan potongan cabang tanaman. Dilaporkan bahwa LAT yang dipelihara pada lingkungan dengan substrat berbatu dan belumpur memiliki pertumbuhan lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan mereka yang dipelihara pada substrat buatan seperti plastik.


LAT juga toleran terhadap suhu sangat dingin mendekati beku hingga suhu diatas 35 °C. Meskipun demikian untuk LAT-LAT daerah tropis hendaknya dipelihara pada selang suhu 24 - 30° C Pertumbuhan optimum akan dapat dicapai apabila mereka dipelihara pada selang suhu 25-29 °C.

pH dan Kesadahan.

LAT hidup pada perairan dengan kisarn pH sedikit alkalin yaitu antara 7-9. Mereka jarang dijumpai berada diperiaran dengan pH kurang dari 7. Sedangkan kesadahan air yang diperlukan adalah sedang hingga tinggi. Hal ini diperlukan untuk menjaga kandungan kalsium terlarut cukup tinggi untuk menjamin pembentukan cangkang mereka dengan baik.

Kualitas air lainnya.

Berbagai laporan menunjukkan bahwa LAT muda sensitif terhadap kadar klorin tinggi. Oleh karena itu sering dianjurkan untuk menuakan air terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan untuk LAT.

LAT diketahui pula dapat mengakumulasikan merkuri (Hg) dalam tubuhnya sehingga mereka sering dijadikan sebagai indikator pencemaran lingkungan. LAT sensitif terhadap pestidida, terutama dari golongan organoklorin, begitu pula residu-residu minyak. Hal ini hendaknya menjadi perhatikan bagi mereka yang ingin membudidayakan LAT secara terbuka, agar terlebih dahulu memeriksa dengan seksama sumber air yang akan digunakan.


Kolam pembesaran burayak untuk menjadi LAT besar untuk konsumsi maupun LAT besar untuk Indukan secara umum hampir memiliki teknik yang sama. Perbedaan yang paling utama adalah diantaranya, seleksi benih untuk indukan harus lebih ketat dibanding seleksi benih untuk konsumsi.

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam mengelola kolam pembesaran baik itu berbentuk kolam tanah ataupun kolam semen, yaitu

a. Tingkat oksigen (DO) terlarut harus tinggi (idealnya di atas 5 ppm atau 5mg/l).

b. Kesadahan/Hardness berada di daerah hard, dengan minimal hardness 50 ppm.

c. PH berada di skala 6.5 - 8.5.

d. Temperature 21 - 30 derajat Celcius.

e. Total Amoniak dibawah 0.5 ppm.

f. Kandungan Nitrite dibawah 0.3 ppm.

Apabila suatu kolam dapat memenuhi persyaratan-persyaratan tersebut diatas maka dapat dipastikan LAT akan tumbuh dengan optimal. Salah satu faktor yang bisa digunakan untuk menciptakan kondisi ideal tersebut adalah dengan mengurangi padat tebar menjadi hanya 10 e/m2, sehingga LAT mempunyai ruang gerak yang memadai untuk beraktifitas.


Aliran air diperlukan pada kolam pembesaran untuk meningkatkan jumlah oksegen yang terlarut (DO) dan mengurangi deposit amoniak yang ada yaitu dengan cara mendorong keluar air yang berkualitas rendah dan memasukkan air yang masih segar. Idealnya dalam 24 jam dapat terganti 20% dari total volume air sehingga kualitas air dapat menjadi selalu baik. Apabila hal ini tidak bisa dipenuhi, maka untuk meningkatkan DO dapat dilakukan cara aerasi buatan baik melalui pengadukan (air di aduk sampai ber buih) atau di masukkan uadar melalui aerator.

Mengenal indukan LOBSTER AIR TAWAR.

Mengapa Indukan memiliki prioritas yang tinggi dalam daftar investasi untuk budidaya LAT?

Indukan memiliki fungsi sangat vital dalam suatu siklus reproduksi LAT, karena dari indukan yang memiliki potensi tubuh yang vigor, sehat dan bongsor diharapkan akan menurunkan potensi istimewa-nya tersebut kepada keturunannya. Anakan yang memiliki pra-potensi tubuh yang baik diharapkan akan tumbuh dan berkembang sebaik induk-nya.

Untuk itulah agar kita mendapatkan suatu keturunan LAT yang baik dan berkualitas tinggi maka hal-hal yang essensial dalam indukan harus diperhatikan dengan seksama. Apabila kita ingin memijahkan (mengawinkan) LAT maka harus diusahakan se-selektif mungkin (di Aussie dikenal dengan istilah Selective Breeding) inti dari selective breeding adalah pemilihan indukan yang betul-betul memenuhi syarat untuk dikawinkan agar di dapatkan anakan yang betul-betul unggul, seperti :

- Sudah cukup umur (matang Gonad) ditandai dengan banyaknya Gonade Spot (pada betina, yang

berupa bintik-bintik putih disekitar carapace) dan menyalanya (distinguish) warna merah pada

capit bagian luar LAT jantan atau paling tidak 8 - 9 bulan dari burayak atau 5 - 8 bulan dari 2".

- Ukuran panjang LAT (diukur secara phisik) paling tidak 5" (12 cm ± 10 %) dan memiliki brood-

chamber yang lebar, sehingga diharapkan telur yang bisa digenggam jumlahnya banyak.

- Sehat, dalam artian tidak mengandung parasit (lintah dll.) serta tidak memiliki luka.

- Agar anakan yang dihasilkan berwarna biru cerah, maka sebaiknya dipilih indukan yang ber-

warna biru cerah pula (catatan : hal ini bukan merupakan hal yang utama).

Agar kita bisa mendapatkan indukan yang betul-betul unggul tersebut caranya adalah dengan mendatangi farm-farm yang memang mempunyai fasilitas untuk melakukan budidaya indukan, atau memang melakukan budidaya untuk mencetak calon indukan (sebaiknya jangan membeli lobster konsumsi untuk kemudian dijadikan indukan). Sangat dianjurkan untuk melihat dengan langsung tempat budidaya dan metode budidaya-nya agar kita mendapatkan data yang akurat tentang indukan yang akan kita miliki. Hindari membeli indukan dari broker (pengepul) karena biasanya mereka tidak memiliki track record yang memadai dari indukan LAT yang mereka jual.

Apabila kita tidak mendapatkan indukan yang sesuai dengan keinginan kita, maka salah satu cara yang bisa digunakan adalah dengan cara membeli calon indukan atau anakan (2") dari indukan yang cukup besar (5" keatas/lebih dari 12.5 cm). Pelihara anakan tersebut ± 1 bulan, setelah 1 bulan seleksi berdasarkan penampilan fisik dan jenis kelamin, pilih yang memiliki tubuh paling besar/di atas rata-rata sebaya-nya. Setelah itu besarkan secara terpisah antara jantan & betina agar tidak terjadi pernikahan 'dini', kepadatan populasi LAT yang disarankan adalah ± 5 ekor/m2. Biarkan calon-calon indukan tersebut berkembang secara optimal dan apabila setelah 3 - 4 bulan dari seleksi pertama tadi ada yg sudah mencapai ukuran 5" maka kawinkanlah secara bertahap, maka sekarang kita sudah memiliki indukan yang cukup bagus/unggul. Di pasaran bebas LAT yang memiliki kualifikasi indukan (yang betul-betul indukan) dijual dengan harga yang lebih mahal karena pengelolaan/proses pencetakan indukan yang berkualitas tersebut memang mebutuhkan investasi yg tidak sedikit dan waktu yg cukup lama.

Secara alamiah di lingkungan aslinya (habitat asal) LAT mulai kawin pada umur 3-4 bulan dari burayak (panjang mulai 2.5"/ 7 cm), tetapi hasil penelitian kami di rILLAH Crayfish Farm menunjukkan apabila LAT kawin terlalu dini maka anakan yang dihasilkan sangat sedikit (< 50 ekor) dengan kemampuan untuk bertahan hidup sangat rendah, serta proses pengeraman yang luar biasa lama (> 8 minggu). Setelah melakukan satu siklus reproduksi (10 - 12 mg atau 2.5 - 3 bulan) indukan baru akan molting dengan pertumbuhan yang hanya mencapai ± 125 % dari panjang awal (dari 7 cm ke 9 cm), maka dari itu sebisa mungkin hindari perkawinan dini tersebut karena kalau tidak kawin/dikawinkan maka setelah 3 - 4 bulan pemeliharaan calon indukan seharusnya sudah bisa mencapai panjang 11 - 13 cm, yang berarti sudah memadai untuk menjadi calon indukan yang berkualitas.

Selain dari itu, terdapat beberapa jenis indukan yang memiliki karakter yang berlainan pada waktu sedang bertelur/mengerami telur. Ada indukan yg ber-tipe gampang stress, indukan tipe ini biasanya selalu bergerak (resah) sehingga kemungkinan terjadinya kerontokan telur sangat besar, sebaliknya ada pula tipe yang tenang dimana sebagian besar waktunya dihabiskan di dalam paralon untuk beristirahat sehingga telur yang dieraminya hampir 100 % sukses menjadi burayak.


Berbicara mengenai Lobster Air Tawar atau Freshwater Crayfish, berarti berbicara mengenai lebih dari 500 jenis hewan akuatik dari keluarga Astacidae, Cambaridae dan Parastacidae. Mereka tersebar di seluruh dunia, mulai dari Austaralia, Newzealand, Papua, Amerika, Jepang, China, Madagaskar, Amerika dan Eropa. Dengan sebaran seperti gambar berikut:

Meskipun demikian, untuk mempersempit cakupan, baiklah dibicarakan jenis-jenis lobster yang beredar di Indonesia sejauh ini. Mereka adalah:

* Cherax destructor
* Cherax quadricarinatus
* Procambarus Claarkii
* dan beberapa spesies lokal asal Irian dari genus Cherax

Cherax dustructor
Cherax destructor merupakan jenis lobster air tawar (LAT) yang paling dikenal diantara 100 jenis LAT yang hidup di Australia. Mereka bisa dijumpai mulai dari daerah New South Wales hingga diselurah dataran benua Australia. Sebaran yang luas menyebabkan mereka mampu beradaptasi mulai dari daerah dingin di danau-danau berair dingin pegunungan Snowy, hingga daerah beriklim panas.

Cherax destructor boleh dikatakan merupakan makanan orang suku asli Australia (aborigin). Setidaknya hal tersebut telah dilakukan sejak 28.000 tahun lalu, berdasarkan temuan-temuan arkeologis setempat.

Pada umumnya C. destructor dijumpai di danau-danau, rawa rawa, billabong, bendungan, saluran irigasi, dan juga disungai-sungai. Mereka termasuk tahan banting. Pada musim kering mereka akan bertahan hidup dengan cara membuat luband didalam tanah. Bahkan mreka mampu membuat lubang hingga kedalaman 5 meter. Paa saat musim penghujan mereka kemudian keluar untuk mencari makan, memijah dan bermigrasi.

Di habitat asalnya, C destructor kadang-kadang disalahkan sebagai penyebabnya runtuhnya bendungan. Hal ini biasanya terjadi apabila dinding bendungan tersebut kurang dari 2 meter, dan sering terjadi perubahan permukaan air, seperti biasa terjadi di sawah. Meskipun demikian kejadian demikian jarang dijumpai pada dam-dam yang ketebalan dindingnya lebih dari 6 meter

Cherax quadricarinatus.

C. quadricarinatus dikenal dengan sebutan Redclaw atau biasa juga disebut sebagai Yabby Queensland Utara. Disebut red claw karena LAT dewasa jenis ini mempunyai warna merah pada capit bagian luarnya, khususnya pada LAT jantan. Mereka umumnya dijumpai di sungai-sungai di Dividing Range.

photo: eFishBusiness

LAT dengan warna dasar hijua-coklat ini, di daerah asalnya merupakan makanan penduduk setempat. Rasanya lezat apabila disajikan dalam bentuk LAT bakar.

C. quadricarinatus sangat mudah dibedakan dari jenis cherax lainnya. Hal ini dicirikan dalam nama latinnya yaitu quadricarinatus yang artinya mempunyai empat buah lunas (quadri=empat, carinatus = carinae, bentukan menyerupai lunas), seperti terlihat pada gambar berikut:

photo: eFishBusiness

Procambarus clarkii
Berbeda dengan genus cherax yang telah disebutkan diatas, genus procambarus bukan merupakan LAT asal Australia. Keluarga Cambaridae merupakan keluarga LAT yang hidup di bagian lintang utara. Procambarus calrkii sendiri berasal dari daerah Amerika Utara, di Louisiana dan di Delta Missisippi.

P. clarkii mempunyai warna tubuh dominan merah. Oleh karena itu mereka sering disebut sebagai red swamp crayfish. P. clarkii dewasa berwarna merah gelap, sedangkan P. clarkii muda berwarna merah kekelabuan. P. clarkii dewasa bisa tumbuh hingga mencapai panjang 20cm.

Red swap crayfish diketahui mempunyai toleransi lebar terhadap salinitas air, oleh karena itu mereka bisa dijumpai baik di air tawar maupun air payau. Mereka kerap membuat lubang pada tepi sungai, rawa, dan tanggul saluran irigasi.

Jenis crayfish ini di daerah asalnya dijadikan sebagai menu santapan Cajun dan merupakan basis akuakultur di daerah Louisina yang menguntungkan. Mereka juga telah diperkenalkan keluar daerah asalnya untuk dibudidayakan.

Red swamp crayfish bersifat sangat agresif, teritorial, dan rakus, sehingga mereka bisa menjadi ancaman bagi hewan lain yang memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang sama. Mereka bahkan mampu bersaing dengan jenis-jenis crayfish lokal. Sebuah penelitian di Spanyol menunjukkan bahwa mereka mampu mengubah komunitas tumbuhan pada suatu lahan basah disana. Oleh karena itu introduksi mereka ke daerah baru perlu diperhatikan dengan seksama. Sebuah perngatan bahkan pernah dikeluarkan agar Red swamp crayfish, jangan sampai masuk ke Australia, karena akan dapat menyaingi jenis crayfish aseli yang ada di negara tersbut. Bagaimana dengan di Indonesia?? Wallahualam.

Crayfishing for fun and food

Call them crayfish...
Crawfish, crawdaddies, or freshwater lobsters. Whatever you call them, the little crustaceans are abundant in many Utah reservoirs and streams. They are great to eat and fun to catch. In fact, they almost catch you as they swarm and cling to bait tied to a piece of string.

"They're good to eat?" you ask. Scrumptious! Crayfish is the centerpiece of Creole or Cajun cuisine in New Orleans, a must during the national autumn festival in Sweden, equated with lobster in French gourmet restaurants, and from earliest times, a worldwide delicacy wherever available. In fact, in Larousse Gastronomique, the bible of French gourmet cooking, there are only 10 recipes for shrimp, three for crab, but there are 25 different recipes for crayfish! Not only is crayfish good, it's good for you. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and high-quality proteins. It is very digestible.

Crayfish in Utah waters...
are important to the overall health of our fisheries. Crayfish are food for bass in Lake Powell and gamefish in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. They can also clear weed-infested waters of algae or moss and thin out rooted plants, which sometimes improves the environment for gamefish. But prolific and aggressive crayfish compete with gamefish for food. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources seeks to achieve and maintain balance between gamefish and crayfish populations so that each sustains but does not diminish the other.

At some point, it may be necessary to limit crayfishing as we do gamefishing. For now, however, there is no limit to the number of crayfish you can legally catch or possess. You can go after them with a variety of gear in any Utah water, if you have a regular fishing license. Live crayfish cannot be transported away from the water where they were caught.

You can find crayfish in...
the Virgin, Price, Bear, Duchesne, Weber, and Green river basins and in Glen Canyon, Flaming Gorge, Deer Creek, Starvation, Lost Creek, Sandwash, Gunlock, Newcastle, Huntington North, Scofield, East Canyon, Strawberry/Soldier Creek and Willard reservoirs. Crayfish inhabit numerous other lakes, ponds, streams and reservoirs of Utah, except for the Sevier River drainage, where the critters have only recently gained a foothold.

They are found at elevations of 8,000 feet and below — they don't like higher elevations. Utah crayfish prefer clear, fresh water, and rocky habitat, so do your fishing where there is a rocky bottom at depths of less than 20 feet.

Crayfishers are advised to consult offices of the DWR, Agricultural Extension Agents, or fishing supply stores for guidance to likely sites.

Catch crayfish with...
chunks of meat, fish (no game fish), or offal. They are attracted to the odor. In Louisiana where crawfish is king, half the annual harvest is caught on artificial or manufactured bait.

The only gear you really need is a strong string with a large piece of bait tied to one end. For faster action, add a heavy sinker. Throw the bait out into the water; wait a couple of minutes; pull it in smoothly and rapidly; and drop the bait with attached crayfish into a bucket.

CAUTION: A nip from a crayfish claw can be painful! They can't reach you if you pick them up firmly between thumb and forefinger just behind the claws, but it's a good idea to wear gloves until you have practiced a few times.

Most Utah crayfish grow to about four inches long. Those under two inches should be thrown back, unless you want to keep some for gamefish bait. These can be frozen for future use.

For a bigger bag in less time, crayfish can be caught in seine nets pulled between two waders or slow boats, in dip nets, or in traps. (The seines may not exceed 10 feet in length or width.) Equipment is found in most sporting goods stores or can be made at home.

Several types of crayfish traps are illustrated. The ones with a crawl-in entrance are best for overnight settings (crayfish are most active at night). For one-day excursions, traps designed for lifting and frequent inspection are most effective. A loose mesh bag fastened to an old window screen frame with a pull-up string leading to the corners works very well. With any type of trap, the bait should be tied firmly to the floor or be secured by a wirehinged piece of mesh with a catch to keep it closed.

After you catch your crayfish,...
steps must be taken to kill and preserve them. Utah law forbids the transportation of live crayfish. They must be killed where they are caught to prevent their being introduced into waters where they are not wanted.

Because crayfish meat deteriorates rapidly, it is important to ice it quickly and keep it at a temperature of 40 F or below until processed.

Cleanliness is equally important to maintain freshness and flavor. Crayfish, like crab and lobster, have a rough shell and many joints where silt and algae can lodge. Thorough cleaning in the field is not practical, nor is it important if the crayfish body is kept intact. If, however, only the tails are kept, contamination may get into the meat. Another good reason for saving the body is the super-tasty meat in the claws and the nutritious, delicious internal organs and juices which can be used to flavor some dishes and soups.

The essential steps to preserve the texture and flavor of the precious meat are as follows:

1. Keep the accumulating catch alive until the end of the fishing day. As they are caught, pack the crayfish rather tightly in a large container between layers of moist fabric, such as gunnysacks. This reduces cannibalism among the crayfish. It is a good idea to put ice between the layers of fabric but not directly on the crayfish.

2. At the end of the day, discard any dead or mutilated crayfish and kill the keepers painlessly and quickly by stabbing each one firmly with a kitchen knife on the top, where the head joins the body.

3. In a large pot with plenty of cold, clean water, wash the whole crayfish vigorously to remove surface dirt even if you only wish to keep the tails.
4. Rinse thoroughly in another pot of fresh, cold water. Now remove the tails, if you want to.

5. Pack whole crayfish or crayfish tails in alternate layers of ice and filter in a large, prechilled ice chest so they do not touch ice or stand in water.

6. The chest should have a false bottom with at least four inches of space under it. Wood slats or hardware cloth nailed to 1" x 2" crossmembers will serve that purpose. Lay a plastic garbage bag on the bottom to prevent water from splashing upward, then place crayfish two or three deep.

7. Cover with plastic or newspaper, add two inches of ice, cover with another layer of plastic or newspaper, and then add more crayfish. Repeat until all your crayfish are packed. Top with ice.

8. Leave the ice chest drain valve open until you are ready to load your vehicle. After the ice chest is packed, don't open it again until you are ready to process the crayfish or transfer them to other refrigeration.

In contrast to the sometimes lonely sport of gamefishing, crayfishing can be a pleasant and productive group activity. If the several tasks are divided, the time from catching to icing is reduced. Preplanning assures you will have everything you need to handle combined catches of 20 pounds or more.

Washing and deveining
When you get your catch home, put the ice chest in a cool place and open the drain valve. The faster you can process the crayfish the better. If you can't process them for several hours, transfer the crayfish to plastic bags and store them in a cold refrigerator.

Discard any crayfish that are too soft or otherwise suspect. In very cold water scrub them, particularly their bottoms, until they look clean. Rinse thoroughly. To remove the thin, black intestine from the tail, grasp the top, middle tail fin (there are five fins), twist and pull. The vein should come out with the fin. Soak the crayfish in a strong salt solution for five minutes or more to further cleanse them and firm the flesh. Rinse.

Now, you must decide among several options, including whether to leave the crayfish whole or remove the tails. (The writer prefers the former.)

Option one: Decide how many crayfish your catch will serve, allowing about 24 per serving. Get on the phone and invite your friends to a crayfish bash. Refer to the cooking crayfish section of this brochure for serving instructions.

Option two: Pack uncooked, whole tails, peeled or not, in bags and freeze quickly. Peeled tails should be dipped in a solution of one-quarter cup lemon juice to one cup water to prevent discoloration. Freeze a few whole crayfish for decorating dishes you prepare later.

Option three: Cook your crayfish before you freeze them. In a large pot, bring one gallon of water and one-half cup salt to a boil. Add about two quarts of crayfish and bring back to a boil. Simmer, covered until crayfish turn red and rise to the surface — about five minutes. Remove all crayfish at once and cook additional batches in the same water. Peel the tails while they are still warm (unless you are freezing them whole). Chill cooked crayfish in ice water, then bag and freeze. Leave the nutrient-rich, flavorful fat attached to the tails if they are to be eaten fresh. Remove the fat to minimize spoilage if you are freezing the tails.

Peeling the tails
For uncooked tails, slit the bottom shell from front to fins with sharp-nosed scissors. Devein as described previously, and peel off the shell. For cooked tails, proceed as follows while the crayfish are still warm from the boil.

1. Separate the tail from the body by slightly twisting and pulling the tail,from the head.

2. Hold the tail lengthwise between thumb and forefinger and squeeze. You may hear the tail crack.

3. Grasp the lower tailfin pads from the side and loosen by lifting up and pulling around the meat. This piece can easily be pulled off and discarded.

4. Firmly grasp the last segment and tailfin with the thumb and forefinger of one hand.

5. Gently pull the meat out of the shell with the other hand. The vein will pull free from the meat.

Appetizing tidbits
Inside the head of the crayfish on either side are two pockets of a substance called the "butter." It is brilliant yellow or orange in color and, used in recipes calling for butter, improves both appearance and flavor. To remove the butter, open the crayfish head slightly and lift the butter out with a small spoon. It should be used immediately because it spoils quickly even when frozen.

Cooking crayfish

Boiled crayfish
Flavored only with salt, boiled crayfish are ready to use in dips, cocktails, and salads or in general recipes, the same as you would use boiled shrimp, crab, or lobster meat. Boiled crayfish are also ready for freezing or canning. Boil according to instructions in Option Three of the washing and deveining section.

Flavored boils
These are used generally "as is" for snacks or hors d'oeuvres or to top fresh, green salad. The writer is partial to the following recipe for spiced crayfish: Combine one gallon of water, one cup salt, and one-half cup wine vinegar; add one-half cup pickling spices in a cheese cloth bag. Boil raw crayfish for five minutes only; remove and chill in ice water. Return to cold cooking liquor and store or pack in jars following standard canning instructions.

Crayfish stock
If you are saving only the tails, capture the delicious flavor and natural juice in the claws, along with the sienna-colored butter in the body cavity, by making a stock from the bodies. Bottle or freeze the stock for use in soups or as liquid in seafood recipes. A recipe for concentrated seafood stock is:

50 or more crayfish bodies, smashed or pulped
3 pounds of fish, trimmings, and bones
1 medium onion
1/2 cup mushrooms or trimmings
2 tablespoons parsley
1 large bayleaf
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons salt
1/2 cup dry white wine and three quarts water

Simmer uncovered until liquid is reduced by half; press out liquid and discard solids. Strain stock through a fine sieve. To use, reconstitute by adding displaced water. To store, cool, skim off fat, and freeze or bottle using standard canning procedures.

Acadian Crawdad Cakes


* 1/2 stick butter
* 2 cups crawfish tails — ground
* 2 cups cooked long-grain rice
* 1/2 cup bell pepper — chopped
* 2 slices bacon — crisp, crumble
* 1 tablespoon parsley — chop fine
* 1/2 cup shallots — chop fine
* 1/4 teaspoon basil
* 1 dash thyme
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 dash tabasco
* 3 eggs, well beaten


Mix crawfish tails, rice, bell pepper, bacon, parsley, shallots, basil, thyme, salt and Tabasco together well. Pour the eggs over the mixture and blend them into the rice mixture. Let mixture set in the fridge for about 30 minutes, covered. Melt butter in skillet or griddle. Then, keeping your hands moist with a few drops of water shape the mixture into small squares, about 3x3x1/2" and plop them on the griddle. They will sizzle nicely and turn light brown in a few minutes. Flip over and fry until brown.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Trap Type